Is Gabion ecofriendly and Expensive?

Gabions do not have a negative impact on the environment compared to concrete structures, which can leave a high carbon footprint as gabions elements are environmentally friendly. It is a low-cost alternative to concrete or masonry structures. It’s not expensive.

What is the use of gabion?

There are countless uses of gabions and some are below given:

  • Gabions have been used throughout the world as wall elements for erosion control projects, soil reclamation work, retaining structures and stream channel linings.
  • Gabion have an application mostly in road engineering, e.g. construction of roads, embankments, retaining walls, slope protection, water barriers etc.
  • Gabion can be used in the construction of pond and damn walls, as well as cladding for building structures.
  • Gabions can be used in landscapes as retaining walls, Architectural cladding for walls and buildings, decorative site walls, seating walls, accent walls and Gabion can also be used as a foundation or filler for various outdoor structures more.
  • Gabions are also used in the military services specifically to protect the areas like sleeping quarters, mess halls, or any place where there would be a large concentration of unprotected soldiers against explosive, fragmentary, indirect fires such as mortar or artillery fire.
  • Gabions are also used for aircraft revetments, blast walls, and similar structures.

Is it tough to install gabions?

Gabions installation is very easy. Admax provide all accessories and tool to install it. If you need it for mega project, then no doubt you need engineers or expert team.

What is the lifespan of Gabions?

A gabion life span depends on the type of wire used and in most cases, the lifespan of gabion baskets varies as they are applied in different climate or environment conditions and factors that affects the service life of gabions.

How do we know which gabion is good for us like size, wire thickness and quantity?

We are always happy to assist you for your requirements. We need to know only what do you want then our expert’s advice and recommend suitable gabions as per your needs. We see each new project as a challenge whether it is a small private property or construction of the Embankment stabilization, Slope stabilization or the Landscaping and private gardening, we gladly and enthusiastically accept.

What are the advantage of gabions?

Gabions have many advantages. Some of the best advantages are below:

  • Cost effectiveness
  • Eco-friendly
  • Durable
  • Easy to install
  • Economical
  • Perfect for all type of soil and climate conditions
  • Attractive for landscaping design like retaining walls, decorative site walls, seating walls, accent walls and more.
  • Ease of handling and transportation
  • Speed of construction
  • Flexibility (Gabions tolerate movement)
  • Aesthetically appearances
  • Gabion structure control noise pollution due to its high stability and density
  • They can survive life for years after rusting of gabion as they resist corrosion
  • High adaptability
  • Bridge abutments
  • Flood control

Where can we use gabions?

There are numerous applications of gabions and some are below given:

  • Landscaping and private gardening
  • Embankment stabilization
  • Slope stabilization
  • Bank reinforcement
  • Road construction
  • G Garden design
  • Areas open to public (like nursery, public schools, retirement homes, residential areas, playgrounds or parking lots)
  • Slope stabilization
  • Civil engineering
  • Landscaping
  • Anti-noise barrier garden design

What are gabions?

Gabions are cage or box fabricated from welded Mesh or hexagonal mesh of heavily galvanized steel wire. Admax Gabions comes in rectangular, square or any custom shape as per client requirement, filled with rocks or pebbles and then laced together to create a strong, uniform structure.